Dr. Ormaza - Nashville Dentist

Meet Dr. Efren Ormaza

Born in Ecuador and raised in Chattanooga, Dr. Ormaza attended Vanderbilt University for his undergraduate degree and his postgraduate studies at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Ormaza’s passion for dentistry and Implants has been cultivated through hundreds of hours of Continuing Education and thousands of Implant procedures.

Dr. Ormaza and his team strive to stay current with the most up-to-date treatment modalities and technology, including 3D imaging, scanning, and printing. This allows your treatment to be on the cutting edge of innovation in the dental field.

Outside of dentistry, Dr. Ormaza enjoys spending time with his wife, son, and dog. All of whom you may catch in the office. Dr. Ormaza also enjoys pottery, chess, movies, and soccer.

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Dr. Ormaza attends yearly medical mission trips to Ecuador where he provides aide to remote villages in the Amazon jungle. This aide is provided through the Penipe Foundation. More information regarding the foundation can be found here.

Giving back is one of our core values at Smilodon Dental